I suppose this photo might not fit the exact criteria that you were looking for for this assignment, but the fact of the matter is, I loathe just about any photo taken of myself - that is, until I have had the opportunity to Photoshop it into a piece of artwork. This particular over-Photoshopped portrait, is actually from about three and a half years ago, during my senior year of high school. Conveniently, I still look exactly the same, so it is still an accurate depiction of myself. I chose this photo because it perfectly embodies my love of art and design, and my uncontrollable desire to turn all things visual into works of art. In addition, (sad as it may be) the facial expression in this photo is also 100% Lisa Ploof. I am generally rather stoic, methodical, and accused of being too serious, even angry looking at times... I felt that this photo captured my infamous glare rather nicely! However, I found myself struggling with this particular assignment. The more photos of myself that I viewed and snapped, the more I concluded that I am, photographically speaking, a blank face. Then I realized that, in some sense, that is who I am. I am not one to wear my emotions on my sleeve, but rather to hide them away. My emotions come out in my art and in my words. I am a thinker more than a speaker, constantly getting lost in my own ponderings of the world, human tendencies, and aesthetics. I think this photo embodies me better than any other I could find... It depicts my tendency to look through things rather than getting stuck on the surface and my desire to portray any and everything as art. In addition, it exemplifies my absolute adoration for Adobe Photoshop. Artistically, this image embodies a clear sense of balance. The abstract shapes created by my hair and hat frame my face, making it the clear focal point of the image. The lack of shading a value gives the image a more cutout or hand drawn feel. The sheer amount of activity in the background (hat and hair included) gives the image an almost static outer rhythm, while the clarity of the face provides the viewer with a calm area in the center of the abstract storm.